In addition to the number of bedrooms and condition of the property location is also important in calculating rent. Rent Pressure Zone (RPZ) is a designated area where rents cannot be increased by more than 4% per annum. This applies to new and existing tenancies (unless an exemption is being applied). DNG Wall Tuckey would be delighted to provide a rental appraisal and calculate the rental value for your specific property. Rents are paid monthly in advance by the tenant usually in the form of a standing order.
The security deposit taken is the equivalent of one month’s rent. This deposit covers any breakages, damages or deductions applicable to the property. The deposit is held by the Landlord.
We will obtain both a work reference and a previous landlord reference from each tenant that will occupy the property. On request a bank statement is also provided by the tenants to ensure that sufficient funds are available. All references are cross checked and verified.
At the end of the tenancy the tenant may decide to renew the tenancy for the property or to vacate. If the tenant wishes to renew, landlord/DNG Wall Tuckey can provide you with a renewal contract upon request. If the tenant wishes to vacate they must provide the Landlord/DNG Wall Tuckey with the sufficient notice in writing.
The rate and amount of tax that you are liable for will depend on your own personal circumstances. We always recommend that you consult a qualified tax advisor or financial consultant in order to ascertain this.
All Landlords, Tenants and Property owners are bound by legislation in Ireland. Please see below a summary of the legislation relating to rental property in Ireland at present.
The Residential Tenancies Act 2004 sets out both Landlord and Tenant Rights and Obligations for the duration of the tenancy. Both the Landlord and Tenant are bound by the Covenants listed within this Act.
The full Act can be found at
The RTB is a statutory body that was established by the Government in 2004. The RTB acts as a national Register for private rented dwellings and offers a private dispute resolution service to resolve disputes between a Landlord and a Tenant. Each tenancy must be registered with the RTB at a fee of €90 per registration. All tenant’s residing in a property must be registered with the RTB.
Further information can be found at
The PSRA was established by the Government in 2012. The objective of the PSRA is to control and regulate all Property Service Providers (PSP’s) in Ireland i.e. Auctioneer’s, Estate Agent’s, Property Management Agents etc. Under the Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011, all PSP’s must be licenced in order to operate. The PSRA also offers a dispute service where they receive complaints relating to PSP’s and carry out investigations in relation to these complaints.
Further information on the PSRA and on the Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011 can be found at
Minimum standards are set out in the Housing (Standards for Rented Houses) Regulations 2008 and the Housing (Standards for Rented Houses) (Amendment) Regulations 2009. These regulations specify requirements in relation to a range of matters such as structural repair, absence of damp and rot, sanitary facilities, heating, ventilation, light and safety of gas and electrical supply.
Full details are available on the Department’s website